Creative Opportunities
York Creatives
#28: Gemma Curry - Hedgepig Theatre

#28: Gemma Curry - Hedgepig Theatre

Gemma Curry is an actress, storyteller & theatre maker. After over 15 years experience in theatre she started her own professional touring theatre company, Hedgepig Theatre. As her family own grew so did her company, as Hedgepig added a children's company, Hoglets - Theatre fun for little folks. Over the last 5years Hoglets has been running storytelling and theatre workshops for babies, toddlers and primary age children, and this year saw the production of their first children's play The Sleep Pirates. In this episode we discuss how to tell better stories, about diving in and having an open approach to learning new skills, and about whether children get enough exposure to the arts.

Creative Opportunities
York Creatives
News, opportunities, artist call outs, events, funding and podcasts for York's creative community.