Creative Opportunities
York Creatives
#27: Rick Chadwick - Dot York

#27: Rick Chadwick - Dot York

Rick Chadwick (@rickary) is a freelance web developer, in 2013 he started DotYork, a one day annual conference that brings together around 250 curious minds to hear intriguing and inspiring stories and discussions. In 2015 he grew tired of working from home so set up ACOLLECTIVE, a city centre co-working space, home to 30 creatives. In this episode we chat about the work Dot York have done in creating a safe and encouraging environment that allows speakers to open up and share their vulnerabilities with an audience. We touch on artificial intelligence and the impact it will have on creative jobs, and Rick and I both talk about our feelings of imposter syndrome and the struggle of being comfortable with who you are and what you do.

Creative Opportunities
York Creatives
News, opportunities, artist call outs, events, funding and podcasts for York's creative community.