Creative Opportunities
York Creatives
#26: David Jarman - Poet, Playwright & Songwriter

#26: David Jarman - Poet, Playwright & Songwriter

David Jarman (@JarmanPoetry) is a poet, playwright and songwriter, currently working on a solo show called “Made of Nowhere” to be produced in autumn 2018. This time last year he was Poet in Residence at the Great Yorkshire Fringe, he’s an associate artist at both Say Owt and Common Ground Theatre, and as a playwright has written re-imaginings of Robin Hood, Alice in Wonderland and The Wind in the Willows, which have been performed at York Theatre Royal and Bolton Abbey Estate. In this episode we chat about the juggling act of working across multiple mediums, his advice on dealing with creative burnout, and how having other people in the room pushes you forward to finish your work.

Creative Opportunities
York Creatives
News, opportunities, artist call outs, events, funding and podcasts for York's creative community.